…And can you do CrossFit while traveling?
Crossfit is the sport of fitness. Classes are done at a “Crossfit Box” and last around one hour. There’s a different exercise schedule every day, which everyone in the class is expected to follow. Gradually you improve the number of repetitions you can do while also lifting heavier weights. If you excel you can compete with other athletes while partaking in a ranking system.
Although membership is usually required to train in a Crossfit gym, you could do a Crossfit workout at home or in your hotel room while traveling. For example do a set of 10 push-ups, 20 sit-ups and 10 lunges or squats consecutively. Rest a minute or two in-between then do the same set again. Repeat 10 times or until you’re too tired to continue.
Crossfit Benefits
Crossfit is a more social way of training. You don’t simply lift weights on your own. Instead, you train with peers at a Crossfit Box, while challenging one another to lift heavier weights and do more reps, in less time.
Another positive of Crossfit is you won’t neglect cardio during training. This is a trap some heavy lifters fall into. However, the heart is also a muscle and thus you need cardio exercise to complement weight-lifting.
Moreover, there’s very little time to idle in Crossfit. In the weight section of the gym, it’s common to see lifters play around on their phones in-between sets. This won’t happen in Crossfit.
If you have an office job, you’ve probably heard the saying “sitting is the new smoking”. After work you are tired, and you need a quick focused workout. If you can manage to show up at the gym, Crossfit will help you balance out eight hours of office work.
Lastly, you’ll learn how to improve your posture and technique for all the CrossFit exercises which you’ll be doing. This has synergistic benefits for other types of gym training.
Crossfit Criticisms
Negatives are first, that if you know what you are doing, you can build more muscle doing gym training on your own.
Secondly, Crossfit is a set of exercises focusing on a specific muscle group especially kettle-bell movements, thus Crossfit girls have, for example, strong, well-defined shoulders. This can be a positive or negative depending on the physique you’re after.
Thirdly, critics have noted that some Crossfit athletes neglect good exercise form and posture while going after new personal records.
Fourth, Crossfit group-training is not customized to individual needs.
Lastly, it is true that Crossfit is but one popular system for improving fitness. There may be better, albeit lesser known options available. In the end, there is no 100% perfect workout system – you have to weigh the pros and cons of each fitness modality.
Crossfit near me
If you type your city into a search engine, along with “Crossfit”, you’ll find out if there is a training center nearby. Nowadays, Crossfit is in most cities. The standard policy is that you get a free intro class to help you decide if this sport is for you. Sometimes, Crossfit centers are incorporated into gymnasiums, thus you may score free gym access along with your Crossfit membership. While traveling, it doesn’t make sense to take out a monthly membership if you are only staying in town for a couple of days. However, if you inquire beforehand, many boxes will accommodate you with the option of paying-per-class.
Crossfit – My Experience
During one month of Crossfit, I learned how to self-correct a few of my exercise postures. For example, Deadlift is one of the most popular (and also trickier) Crossfit exercises. If you don’t know the finer techniques of deadlifting, you’ll waste time and won’t feel any benefits or sore muscles the next day. Worse, you can injure yourself or experience back pain with bad posture. After a month or two of deadlifting in Crossfit class, you should be able to master the posture. The better your posture, the heavier you’ll be able to lift eventually.
Similarly, pull-ups is another core exercise in Crossfit. It’s a very effective way to strengthen back and shoulder muscles. It’s also one of the more difficult body-weight exercises you can perform in a gym. During Crossfit, you’ll learn variations of pull-ups. Also correct form, which includes lowering yourself until you are hanging 180 degrees vertically before you pull yourself up again “chin-to-the-bar”. Another Crossfit exercise worth mentioning is handstands. This takes a while to master, first next to the wall, then eventually “walking” on your hands.
In modern Crossfit, Sports Psychology is part of the game. You’ll learn mind over matter. For example, during box jumps, test how high you can jump. If you believe you can only jump to a height of 1 meter, you won’t accomplish much more. However, sometimes it’s simply necessary to dig deeper mentally, to find that you can jump much higher than you expected.
Crossfit Pre-workout Snack
Although you definitely don’t wanna do Crossfit with a full stomach, to provide extra energy and hydration 20 to 60 minutes before your workout, you can’t go wrong with fresh fruit (or a smoothie). For example, a smoothie made with (a) potassium-rich bananas, (b) pineapple, mango or strawberries and spinach, (c) nuts or oats, (d) some ice and natural liquids (such as coconut water, freshly squeezed juice, or filtered water) and (e) a natural sweetener such as honey, dates or agave syrup.
in conclusion, if you need a fitness boost then try Crossfit for a month. If you attend class three times a week, you’re likely to make good progress towards your goals. However, five times a week for a month will turn you into a fitness machine. Simply show up, and commit to the process. Set aside those hours every week, and do the work – it’ll pay off.
Crossfit terminology
AMRAP: As many repetitions as possible. You do the exercise until you’re too tired to continue.
WOD: Workout of the day – Each day, your CrossFit gym has a unique workout.
FRAN: A benchmark CrossFit workout, consisting of 21 thrusters, 21 pull-ups, 15 thrusters, 15 pull-ups, 9 thrusters and 9 pull-ups
Rx: To complete a workout “Rx”, means you followed the recipe and completed it exactly as prescribed.
PR: personal record
KB: Kettlebell (arguably the most popular cross-fit workout tool)
Thruster: An exercise consisting of both a front squat and an overhead push press.
Your local Crossfit Box’s website: Use this for registering and booking a class or checking the workout program for the day.