Much like death and taxes, aging is entirely inevitable. As much as we hate the idea of getting older, it’s one of those things we’ve got no control over. There are, however, a few simple things you can do to look younger and feel healthier. No, we’re not talking about botox or plastic surgery. But rather a more holistic lifestyle approach.
First, we’ll analyse nine longevity factors. Then we dive deeper into specific foods that’ll help you reverse aging.
Quit Smoking
Aside from deadly conditions such as cardiovascular disease, heart disease, emphysema and lung cancer, smoking has also been shown to increase the onset of aging by a significant degree. Basically, nicotine causes the blood vessels in the outer layer of skin to become narrow. This effectively restricts blood flow which reduces the intake of essential nutrients such as oxygen and vitamins.
Furthermore, smoking is known to destroy certain youth-inducing elements such as elastin and collagen. In effect, this causes the premature formation of wrinkles and sagging skin while also turning the teeth yellow and causing the hair to lose its shine. Although it is undeniably difficult, quitting smoking is one of the best things you can do to reverse the effects of aging.

Lower your Alcohol Intake
We’ve all seen those hardened old alcoholics with leathery skin and gaunt features, who appear decades beyond their real age. While this extreme end of the spectrum won’t necessarily apply to you, even moderate alcohol intake has been proven to enhance the onset of aging. Science has shown that booze suppresses the creation of the vasopressin hormone. Plus, it forces your kidneys to work overtime by removing excess water from your organs. As a result, your skin dries out too quickly, and you look older than you should.
One or two glasses of wine per day have been shown to have no adverse effect. So it’s really just the binge drinking that you should look out for. The only tried and tested way to avoid alcohol-related aging, is to give those big nights out a miss. If you do feel the need to indulge, at least be sure to remain well-hydrated throughout the night to mitigate the effects.

Get Active To Reverse Aging
A robust exercise regime is one of the best things you can do to keep the effects of aging at bay. Now, this doesn’t mean training for a triathlon, but rather just incorporating some fun physical activities into your weekly routine. Look for a sport or game that you enjoy doing. As you’re far more likely to stick with an activity if it’s social and fun.
Regular exercise is known to build muscle and strengthen vital organs, which helps you to look and feel younger. What’s more, enjoyable physical activity is excellent for your mental health too, particularly in regard to reducing stress. Consequently, the benefits of engaging in an active lifestyle are two-fold when it comes reversing the effects of aging.

Get a Good Night’s Sleep
Ever heard of the term “beauty sleep”? There’s some truth to the name because consistently getting a good night’s sleep, has been scientifically proven to make you look younger and more attractive. Foregoing adequate sleep causes the body to produce a stress hormone known as cortisol. This has the undesired effect of breaking down skin collagen, an essential element that keeps our skin smooth, elastic, and shiny.
Chronic sleep deprivation also has a profound impact on your mind. With those getting under five hours per night said to have severely reduced cognitive function. The answer? It’s quite simple really. Get yourself into a routine of sleeping eight hours a night and stick to it.

Limit Exposure to the Sun
We’re not suggesting you spend your whole life indoors, just that you keep sun exposure to a sensible level and use adequate protection when outside. As pleasant as it may feel, sunlight contains harmful UV rays which, when received in excess, are incredibly damaging to your skin. If outdoors for more than just a few minutes, apply a generous layer of sunscreen and use a hat and/or sunglasses to protect the more sensitive region around the face.
Most importantly, avoid the temptation to sunbathe until you get burned. While this might produce a desirable short-term tanned effect, it’s highly likely to result in melanomas or, at the very least, premature aging of the skin. Too further reduce UV damage from the sun, eat more spinach and mango which are great at revitalizing the skin.

Switch to Green Tea
While there are no magic potions or formulas to reverse the effects of aging, green tea has been shown to be remarkably beneficial for your skin. Essentially, the compounds inside this traditional Chinese beverage have been proven to reduce inflammation as well as chemical and UV related carcinogens. One tall cup per day is enough to start feeling the effects.

Other healthy teas to consider drinking, similar to green tea, include Argentinian Yerba Mate and Ecuadorian Guayusa Tea.
Try your hand at Meditation or Yoga
One of the other significant contributors to premature aging is living a high-stress lifestyle. Exercise aside (which has been covered above), some of the best respites from the stresses of modern life are meditation and yoga. These popular practices are renowned for leaving participants feeling more relaxed, ultimately reducing stress levels which slows the onset of aging. The more you participate in these activities, the better, although one or two sessions per week are enough to feel some tangible effects.

Take Care of your Teeth
Gum disease undoubtedly makes you look and feel older, especially when considering the possibility of tooth loss in your later years. Nip these problems in the bud early in life by adopting a strict brushing and flossing regimen. Not only will you maintain whiter and stronger teeth, but you’ll also minimize the need for expensive and painful dental work later in life.

Reverse Aging With Diet
As the saying goes: You are what you eat. Studies have shown that participants who eat a well-balanced diet with ample servings of fresh fruit and veggies not only keep in shape better, but also appear more attractive and youthful. Ideally, healthy eating habits are best kept over an entire lifetime. However, studies also showed that participants who ate an extra three serving of fresh fruit and veggies per day, showed notable physical improvement in just six weeks. Thus it’s never too late to start.
In short, avoid processed foods and embrace a variety of whole foods instead. There’s lots of debate over what produce is best, but a good rule of thumb is to eat as many different colored fruits and veggies as possible. Different colors usually represent different vitamins, leading to a more balanced nutrient profile in your diet.

Let’s now dive deeper into 7 scientifically proven superfoods from all over the globe.
Olives and Olive Oil

The Mediterranean Diet has long been a staple among healthy living aficionados. Especially for its ability to lower cardiovascular disease, obesity, and mental stress. But a little-known fact is that its two cornerstone ingredients, olives and olive oil, are also highly effective in reducing the onset of aging.
When choosing an oil, opt for the purest form known as extra virgin olive oil. Boasting no added preservatives, the variety also has high levels of beneficial monosaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids. These compounds keep the mind sharp, as well as reducing the likelihood of heart disease.
Meanwhile, the naturally occurring anti-inflammatory, known as the phytonutrient oleocanthal, is abundant in olives. It’s been shown to reduce the pain associated with arthritis.
Around three tablespoons per day are all that is necessary. This is readily achievable by substituting olive oil for less healthy oils, or using it in place of butter. Fresh olives contain similar nutritional value and can be enjoyed on anything from salad to pizza.
This ancient yellow spice has long been used in India for the myriad of health benefits it entails. As a pillar of Ayurvedic practices, turmeric has become popular in recent years as a topical treatment to rejuvenate the skin. Nevertheless, oral ingestion is still highly effective for a number of reasons.
First of all, turmeric is known to protect the cardiovascular system and maintain healthy cholesterol levels, two essential factors for living a longer life.
However, it’s the incredibly high levels of anti-oxidants that make this exotic spice shine. Containing among the most elevated concentrations in the world, turmeric is adept at neutralizing free radicals which degrade the texture and elasticity of the skin. Furthermore, it inhibits an enzyme known as elastase to help the skin remain smooth and pliable.
Some easy ways to enjoy the spice include a soothing blend of turmeric milk or by adding it to soups, smoothies and curries.

Hailing from the Andes of South America, quinoa (pronounced KIN-WA) has been revered by the region’s indigenous inhabitants such as the Inca for hundreds of years. Nowadays, it is a sought-after superfood around the world that is famous for its incredible health properties.
And with good reason. A 14-year study from the University of Harvard concluded that one bowl of quinoa per day could reduce the risk of premature death from conditions such as cancer, heart disease, respiratory disease, and diabetes by up to 17%. Now that may not sound like such a big number, but in relative terms 17% is a game changer for longevity.
Before cooking quinoa, it’s always wise to pre-soak or pre-sprout the seeds to reduce the occurrence of phytates. Essentially, phytates bind with minerals which makes them harder to absorb and ultimately reduces their beneficial effects. After prepping, try using quinoa in soups and salads.

Originating out of Persia (modern day Iran), Spinach is another superfood that has been nourishing the locals for centuries. Nowadays, this dark green vegetable is the bane of young children and the poster child of nutritionists around the globe.
Remember the cartoon character Popeye? It turns out he was on to something because spinach’s high levels of calcium and iron have been shown to help us bulk by accelerating the body’s ability to convert protein into muscle.
Though perhaps more importantly for longevity, it has a tremendous amount of vitamin K which increases bone density. This keeps our skeletons robust well into the later years.
Another great benefit is its large quantities of the zeaxanthin and lutein nutrients which strengthen our retinas to protect them from UV exposure. Effectively, this reduces macular degeneration which can lead to loss of vision in old age.
A few suggestions for consuming spinach, that even the kids may like, are in baked pies, fresh salads, pasta, and curries. Due to the presence of oxalates, there’s some debate whether it’s more beneficial to lightly boil or steam spinach, as opposed to eating it raw. But it’s generally not a big deal, unless you’re prone to e.g. kidney stones. Do try to mix your diet up with different vegetables and recipes, as opposed to only consuming raw spinach 90% of the time.
If you love your daily caffeine fix, try our delicious coffee spinach smoothie recipe.

Hailing from North America or Central Asia (depending on the variety), walnuts are an often-overlooked superfood with various longevity merits.
Vitamins and minerals aside, walnuts are high in antioxidants which reduce the damage free radicals cause on our health. A small serving each day can help minimize the risk of age-related diseases such as Alzheimer’s, arthritis, and cardiovascular disease, while some studies have even suggested a reduction in the rate of cancer and diabetes.
Interestingly, these brain shaped nuts have been shown to significantly improve our cognitive function. Better yet, they also help us get a good night’s sleep which is an essential factor in combating the onset of age.
Snack on a few handfuls of walnuts throughout the day or mix some into the timeless Waldorf salad.

Wild-caught salmon
Of all the different types of fish and meat, none are as good for you as wild salmon.
Although the farmed variety is not exactly unhealthy, wild salmon has been found to have significantly fewer calories, about half the total fat content, and up to 20% less saturated fat.
Aside from being super lean, the best thing about salmon is its colossal concentration of omega-3 rich fatty acids which serve as a powerful anti-inflammatory to combat conditions like rheumatoid arthritis.
There are numerous ways to savor this delicacy such as in ceviche, sushi or just baked in the oven.

Fermented foods
Enjoyed all over the world in one form or another, the microbial flora found in fermented foods allow us to more efficiently absorb nutrients which improves our overall health.
But perhaps the greatest benefit of fermented foods is their ability to quickly administer pro-biotics, restoring the balance of intestinal flora in the digestive tract and resulting in a more robust digestive system. As for the long term, the most notable advantages include a reduction in the risk of contracting colon cancer or inflammatory bowel disease.
Fermented foods come in many forms such as pickles, sauerkraut and yogurt in the west or natto and kimchi in Asia. As such, they can be consumed in countless different ways.

Conclusion: Reverse Aging Naturally
Although there’s no magic pill to reverse aging, eaten on a regular basis, the above superfoods will work wonders at keeping the aging process at bay. In combination with the 9 lifestyle tips, this will allow you to look and feel more youthful than ever before.
These measures enables you to build and maintain health pro-actively, as opposed to running to medical doctors re-actively after getting ill. Good luck in improving your longevity, naturally. As it is, pharmaceutical drugs, often known for debilitating side-effects, will never be able to replace the joy of building health naturally. To reverse aging, a return to a healthy natural lifestyle, and nature’s food, is the right thing to do
Do you have any further tips to readers to reverse aging? Have you tried any of the above suggestions, and what was your experience? Comment below your tips and questions!