In this blog post, we discuss 6 completely natural herbs for hair growth, which you can easily apply to your hair in the form of a shampoo or an extracted oil. You probably dream of having long and shiny hair, but you don’t like to use harmful chemicals. At the same time, you are wary of potentially useless supplements like Biotin, which already occur naturally in many foods. What are some of the other herbs (and plants) available? We start off with Rosemary.
Rosemary doesn’t only have a great fragrance, it can also nourish your hair follicles and fix your bald spots. Using Rosemary oil mixed with olive oil in a scalp massage can aid in hair loss and balding. An extra benefit is its ability to prevent your hair from becoming prematurely grey.
One study found that Rosemary oil was just as effective as Minoxidil, which is a common medication used to stimulate hair growth. The study specifically examined its ability to treat male-pattern baldness. This is a type of baldness that starts just above your temples – a receding hairline that has a characteristic “M” shape. Moreover, the study found that using Rosemary oil helps prevent dryness, greasiness, and dandruff.
Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is great for your hair as it is composed of valuable vitamins and essential (medium-chain) fatty acids. These fatty acids have the ability to deeply penetrate your hair. It can work as a “sunscreen” for your hair by protecting it from sun damage. At the same time, it improves your split ends and moisturizes your dry hair. Coconut oil is especially recommended for those with long or curly hair as it can help to detangle your hair.
You must be aware that coconut oil, like any other product, doesn’t have the same effect on all hair types. Also, if you are allergic to coconut oil, it is recommended that you switch to other oils such as Marula oil or Argon oil.
Here are a few more tips to follow while using coconut oil: Try to avoid applying it directly on your scalp as it may cause skin irritation. If it is your first time using coconut oil, initially add only a little to see how it will react with your hair. Then increase the amount gradually. To get the best results, a good idea is to add honey or yogurt to increase the effect.
Coconut oil was shown to have a strong effect on reducing hair damage by reducing protein loss. It is one of the most commonly used oils by Indian women and it is believed to be one of the secrets of their long shiny hair.
Known for its refreshing smell, peppermint oil is the perfect choice for preventing hair loss and improving growth without any side effects. Peppermint oil contains the chemical: “menthol”, which cools your scalp and increases blood-flow to stimulate hair growth.
Aloe Vera
This is one of the greatest herbs you can use to truly boost your hair growth. Aloe Vera contains amino acids and proteolytic enzymes which can improve the health of your scalp as well as the rate of your hair growth. It’s especially beneficial for damaged hair as it can make your hair follicles healthier and stronger. This, in turn, will speed up the hair growth process. One extra, unique benefit of Aloe Vera is that it has anti-inflammatory properties which makes it very effective in stopping irritation.
You should always try to use fresh Aloe Vera gel to get the best result. You can also use a mixture of Castor oil and Aloe Vera. For a potentially great outcome, simply cover all of your hair with this mixture, leave it on overnight and wash it in the morning. We chose to add Castor oil to the Aloe Vera because it also boosts hair growth. A mixture of Castor oil and Aloe Vera will give your hair the maximum treatment needed while improving your scalp.
However, if you don’t like Castor oil, you can add Vitamin E instead. Vitamin E is a strong antioxidant that prevents your hair from getting damaged and speeds up the process of hair growth. You should apply the mixture of Aloe Vera and Vitamin E for only 20 minutes.
Ginseng, a well-known adaptogen, is a popular remedy for many different conditions. For example, some believe it can have a role in eliminating stress, treating erectile dysfunction and diabetes mellitus. Moreover, Ginseng can stimulate hair growth. According to a recent study, red ginseng extract was found to promote the growth of hair follicles. This is probably why many companies add it to their hair-care products.
If you, like many others, have the problem of hair breakage, you’ve probably tried many products, but nothing seems to work. This is because the root cause behind this is Vitamin C deficiency. Alma (or Indian gooseberry) contains a high amount of tannins and vitamin C. This does not only treat hair breakage, but it also enables its work as a powerful antioxidant. Antioxidants are very important for your hair as they protect your hair follicles from damage caused by free radicals. And you shouldn’t just apply it to your hair, adding it to your diet will get you the best results.
For improving the texture of your hair and boosting its growth, use a mixture of coconut or olive oil and Amla powder. Keep this mixture on your hair for 45 minutes and then wash it off. You should repeat this process three times a week. Coconut oil is an especially great choice to use with Amla because it improves its ability to penetrate the hair follicle, while olive oil is well known for its moisturizing effect. Thus it’s a good combination if you suffer from breakage and split-ends.
Lastly, to further boost its reputation, Amla is an important component in the herbal extract DA-5512. This extract has been proven to promote hair hygiene and growth in preclinical as well as clinical studies.

What’s your experience with herbs for hair growth? If you have any further tips for readers, write in the comment section below!