Guayusa (Ilex Guayusa) is a stimulant leaf tea from Ecuador. It comes from the holly plant, thus is related to the Yerba Mate (Ilex Paraguariensis) consumed in Argentina. Like coffee, it has an energizing effect, and contains natural caffeine.
Guayusa is traditionally known as the Night Watch Man, since it keeps tribesmen awake late at night in the Amazon. Plus, this hints at the fact that Guayusa may also help with lucid dreaming.
Lets first investigate the scientifically proven health benefits, before exploring it’s role in shamanism.
Guayusa Tea Health Benefits
Guayusa has Anti-Oxidants
Guayusa contains 50% more anti-oxidants than Green Tea.
Anti-oxidants protect against free radical damage in the body. This helps in the fight against:
- Aging of the skin and organ systems,
- Cancer,
- Heart disease and Atherosclerosis,
- Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s,
- Arthritis,
- Poor vision,
and many other diseases.
A 2017 study confirmed that out of all types of Guayusa, the fresh green leaves have the highest amount of Anti-oxidants (based on ORAC scale). Blanched leaves, the second most. While the fermented Guayusa leaves contain the least anti-oxidants overall (1).
Essential Vitamins and Minerals
Of course, vitamins and minerals are anti-oxidants in their own right. Guayusa Tea’s main vitamins/minerals are:
- Calcium: Which helps bones stay strong. You don’t specifically need milk for strong bones.
- Vitamin C for a strong immune system.
- Vitamin D may help with mental health, weight loss, stronger immune system, healthy teeth and bones.
- Magnesium helps maintain a healthy nervous system, keeps bodily processes strong and prevents disease.
- Zinc promotes sexual health in men, wound healing, metabolism, and a healthy immune system
- Chromium helps with weight loss and blood sugar control.
- Potassium is an essential mineral for cardiovascular health.
Guayusa is a Natural Clean Source of Caffeine
The natural Caffeine content of Guayusa has a stimulating, energizing and mood boosting effect, similar to coffee, except there are no jitters afterwards. Of course, caffeine also helps with alertness and focus, while boosting metabolism, and aiding weight loss.
Guayusa does not offer the same sudden caffeine-spike which you experience with coffee. Instead, in conjunction with Theanine, the caffeine is released slowly.
Coffee contains tannins, which is responsible for staining teeth. But some sources argue that this is not a problem with Guayusa, since its tannin-free. However, I’ve come across more than one study that did find tannins in Guayusa as well (2, 3).
Contains Theobromine
Theobromine is a compound prevalent in Guayusa, but also found in Dark Chocolate. It has a range of health benefits which include:
(a) Lowering blood pressure. Also improving blood vessel vasilodation (necessary for the health of these vessels).
(b) it may increase healthy HDL cholesterol.
(c) Mental health benefits e.g. better mood and cognitive enhancement. Helps beat stress. It’s also a mild stimulant which can help with increased focus.
(d) Anti-inflammatory and
(e) Strengthens tooth enamel. (4)
There is another compound related to Theobromine in Guayusa: “Theophylline” – which is beneficial to the respiratory system.
The Caretenoids in Guayusa Tea
Lutein is the most concentrated out of the 5 caretenoids found in Guayusa. Caretenoids are acclaimed for helping to improve and maintain eye health. Thus carrots are often recommended for good vision (the bright orange color is due to the caretenoids). But these compounds also have benefits on cognition and brain function. A recent study suggest caretenoids may even support the auditory system (5). Moreover, Lutein is believed to protect against early atherosclerosis, leading to healthier artery walls (6).
Similar to Green Tea, Guayusa Contains L-Theanine
L-Theanine is an amino acid known for its calming effect. It has a balancing action on Guayusa, and takes the hard-edge off the caffeine high. L-Theanine is likely also the compound partially responsible for the tea’s lucid dream enhancement, as discussed further below.
In addition, Theanine’s health benefits include an anti-tumour action, anti-diabetic, anti-hypertensive, and anti-stress. Plus, it has the ability to help fight cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Lastly, it may protect nerve cells and other organs e.g. the liver, from injury (7).
Apart from L-Theanine, Guayusa contains all the amino acid “protein building blocks”. (But, of course, you don’t eat the leaves, thus you still need regular protein.)
Polyphenols, Flavonoids and Saponins
All three of these plant compounds found in Guayusa, have greatly beneficial anti-oxidant effects in the body.
Polyphenols reduce inflammation and can help with prevention and management of some chronic diseases. In addition, there’s less likelihood of obesity if more polyphenols are consumed. Furthermore, it may protect against neuro-degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s; also against cancer, lung damage, and osteoporosis; while boosting the digestive system and cardiovascular health (8).
Flavonoids may help alleviate allergy symptoms (through inhibiting histamine release). For example, it was found that populations with high flavonoid intakes have low occurrence of Asthma (9). Flavonoids also protect against heart disease (10), cancer, and has an anti-viral effect.
Saponins are anti-inflammatory, lower cancer risks, boost the immune system, and may inhibit cholesterol absorption.
How is Guayusa Traditionally Used?
Kichwa and Jivaroan Amazonian tribes boil the leaves in a pot of water over an open fire. They drink it before sunrise in a daily ceremony, to provide energy for the day. During this ceremony, the previous night’s dreams are interpreted – to seek guidance for the hunting in the day ahead. Thus, the belief is that Guayusa helps with remembering dreams better, dream interpretation, and lucid dreaming.
Guayusa is also consumed by tribes to help female fertility. In addition, they drink it in the jungle before and after plant medicine (ayahuasca) ceremonies (11).
Lastly, some tribes believe that drinking Guayusa helps against insect and snake bites during the day. It’s possible that this can be attributed to the heightened sense of awareness experienced after drinking the tea (similar to the hyper-awareness after drinking coffee – thus you’re more aware of your environment, and more careful). However, during a recent interview, a Guayusa tea farmer claimed that “snakes and insects sense the tea within your body, and thus get too scared to bite you” (12).
Guayusa Lucid Dream Shamanism
As an experiment in Guayusa lucid dreaming, when I recently visited Quito, I drank a strong brew of green Guayusa leaves shortly before bedtime. Initially, I was uncertain how to prepare the brew. But simply boiling it in fluoride-free mineral water on a stove, is a good place to start.

Afterwards I fell asleep despite the caffeine content.
First Short Guayusa Lucid Experience
I remember reading the previous day that Guayusa ceremonies occur between 4 am and 5 am before dawn. Dreams would be interpreted, insights will be given.
Suddenly, I wake up around 4h30am, in my own private Guayusa initiation ceremony. Barely awake, I am in a spiritual mindset of hyper-awareness, as you would experience during Ayahuasca. The Guayusa was interpreting my latest dream. Giving advice and suggestions – like a short mini 30 second Ayahuasca trip. But next thing, I start feeling a little nauseous. I don’t wanna puke, so I pull myself out of the trip, and go back to sleep.
This experience is the same as what other Guayusa drinkers refer to as a state between being awake and asleep. You are fully awake, but with the lucidity of your preceding dream right there in your consciousness. The lines between sleeping and being awake, blurs.
What Ayahuasca does is to make us conscious of the subconscious. It works through accessing a type of dream state, and keeping you hyper-aware during this state. Amazonian tribes would agree that Guayusa can encourage a similar way of lucid dreaming (albeit in a completely different way).
Second Short Lucid Experience
The next day, I prepare another brew of Guayusa before bedtime. I wake up, once more feeling that strong inner guidance voice. This time it lasts around 20 to 30 seconds, with less intensity. Maybe because its already 8am and not 5am pre-dawn like the previous day. I didn’t feel nauseous this time. Instead, afterwards, I feel more connected to Spirit.
To lucid dream, it may help setting an intention before falling asleep at night. The human mind is open to suggestions. Try the combination of:
- a ritual of boiling fresh Guayusa leaves,
- the plant compounds of Guayusa tea in a sufficient dose,
- and setting the intent
Well ..this is my 2 cents as an amateur Shaman.
If you only consume a small Guayusa tea bag before bed time, my prediction is you won’t have the same lucid dreaming effect as you’ll get with a stronger brew. Moreover, I want to add a small warning: If you napped during the day, and don’t feel tired at night, drinking guayusa before bedtime might make it even more difficult to fall asleep at night.
Scientific Explanation
Chemical analysis found no psychedelic compound in Guayusa, and only natural caffeine. Initially, for a moment I was thinking, maybe there’s a shamanic plant-spirit effect which allows tea drinkers to experience lucid dreaming on Guayusa. But instead, it seems that its simply the perfect combination of the natural caffeine – making you hyper alert, and the L-theanine, which accounts for the dream-like relaxed state. This plausible scientific explanation of the lucid dream effect, is further explored in HowToLucid‘s video below.
Either way, every person will have an unique experience trying out plant-induced lucid dreaming.
Buy Guayusa in Ecuador
In total, 75% of all Guayusa leaves harvested in Ecuador gets dried to prolong the shelf life of this local agricultural staple. A dry, intact bunch of leaves cost $1 in Quito’s health shops. While premium packaged Guayusa goes for around $6 to $10. It’s the same product, but presented in nicer packaging.
In Quito, I went to the Central Market, 10 minutes walking from the Historic Center (“Centro Historico“). There they sell fresh green bunches of Guayusa leaves for 50 cents. This was the favorite Guayusa which I managed to source in the whole city of Quito. The only fresher option would be picking it directly from the tree. (To get the green leaves, you can also try the herb section of the Santa Clara Exotic Fruit Market in Quito).

As I got home to my Airbnb, I immediately boiled the leaves in a pot of water. You only need a few whole leaves for a strong flavored tea. No need to even add sugar if you brew the fresh leaves. The taste is refreshing on its own. However, it’s wise to rinse the leaves before boiling.
Guayusa Tea Ceremonies
When I was in Ecuador, I searched for Guayusa ceremonies to partake in. However, these ceremonies are not widespread outside of the jungle, and not really a touristic thing to do. As a baseline, you’ll need fluency in Spanish to be able to interact with the local tribesmen. Then, ask around for tribes who’ll allow you to partake in a Guayusa ceremony. My bet is you will have the most luck around the Amazonian town of Tena – considered to be the Guayusa capital of the world.
You’ll notice that in the cities of Ecuador e.g. Quito, which some would consider the “civilized” part of the country, almost no one drinks Guayusa in the traditional way of brewing. Instead, they buy Guayusa tea bags at the local supermarkets. But veer into the Amazon, to find the more exciting, authentic and tribal way of preparing and consuming the tea.
Guayusa vs Yerba Mate
Before I encountered Guayusa, I was already a yerba mate drinker for many years. And to be honest, nowadays I’m still a yerba mate drinker. I prefer the smoother yerba mate taste – although there are a lot of different kinds of Mate. However, if I ever run out of Yerba Mate on the road, I’ll drink Guayusa instead without hesitation. It’s very similar. In this case, I’ll simply put the Guayusa into my Mate gourd, then sip it with the same bombilla straw.
The only exception is when I can find the fresh green Guayusa leaves. Then I can make an authentic brew on the stove. Especially for lucid dreaming experiments, this is where it’s at. I’ve never noticed, nor heard of, any lucid dreaming benefits to Yerba Mate. Unlike Guayusa (and also Matcha Green tea), Yerba Mate does not contain L-Theanine, the compound likely responsible for the lucid dreaming (along with the natural caffeine).
Find Guayusa Locally
The best place to buy Guayusa online, is directly from the Guayusa masters in Ecuador themselves, Waykana. They have special deals running from time to time, such as discounts and free delivery. [Also try my Waykana Coupon Code for further discounts: HEALTHTRAVELJUNKIE ]. Here’s the link to Waykana, and their awesome Guayusa online shop.
In addition, check out for Guayusa tea. The price frequently changes, but click this link for updated prices on authentic Guayusa loose leaf tea at Amazon (Update: it’s currently out of stock on Amazon, thus use Waykana instead – November 2021).
Otherwise, many larger health and wellness stores (potentially also where you reside), import Guayusa Tea from Ecuador.

Guayusa Conclusion
The Amazon is full of interesting plants like Guayusa, some not even discovered and categorized yet by scientists. The health benefits are obvious. Its beyond comprehension why you’d want to drink soda, processed fruit juice, alcohol (unless its some special occasion), milkshakes, etc, when you can consume natural drinks instead.
If you haven’t already tried Guayusa tea, you’ll enjoy it’s energizing effects. Plus, for lucid dreams, get hold of the fresh green leaves, or otherwise a strong brew mix. If you accept the challenge to try and pierce the veil of the dream world through Guayusa, then good luck to you.
Below Video (like many other online sources) helps to confirm Lucid Dreaming with Guayusa. As mentioned in the video, the lucidity sometimes occur as you transition from the dream world, into reality (while waking up in the morning). But everyone has a unique experience.
Have you ever tried Guayusa? If yes, did you like the taste? Comment below with questions, thoughts and suggestions on this awesome plant!

Thank you so much! How many leaves would you use for lucid dreaming?
I haven’t made this brew with fresh guayusa leaves since after I left Ecuador. It’s nearly impossible to get the fresh leaves outside of the country. Obviously, fresh leaves have the strongest effects 😉
The amount of leaves depends how much water you’re using along with the leaves.
Make a nice strong brew. The leaves are dirt cheap in Ecuador, thus stuff the water-pot nice and full, while leaving sufficient space for the water to boil properly. Experiment with different quantities. Using only 3 or 4 leaves would not be enough. Maybe try 10 to 15 in a pot of water (like in the photo in the post).