Comments on: Mykonos – Walking from Paradise Beach to Super Paradise Beach Health & Wellness-Centric Travel Sat, 27 Aug 2022 08:32:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: Daniel Sat, 19 Jun 2021 04:14:21 +0000 In reply to Chad.

Hi, this was one of my first posts, I was in Greece in 2014. So it's a long time ago. But it should be around 45 minutes. Maximum 1 hour. Bring some water along in case you get lost. But your phone maps app / GPRS will help you navigate.

When you are at Paradise beach, walk in the direction of the nightclub: Cavo Paradiso. Then take the trail up on the hill, more or less right before you reach Cavo Paradiso.

There isn't an uninterrupted trail. Maybe we had some luck to stumble upon this goat path in the mountains. We also climbed over goat fences. So, it's not really a trail for humans, nevertheless, it was decent enough to walk with flip-flops, although shoes are recommended.

It might even be trespassing, who knows. So it's at own risk, but it's something adventurous to try and do. We stuck relatively close to the coast throughout. Once you start walking, if you see yourself progressing on the GPS, then keep walking. The bushes aren't that bad. Until you reach Super Paradise Beach.

By: Chad Fri, 18 Jun 2021 22:57:11 +0000 Hi, about how long was the walk between the two beaches? How did you find this trail? Thanks!
