Comments on: Keto Vs Paleo – The Ultimate Battle Health & Wellness-Centric Travel Sun, 12 Jan 2020 10:14:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: Niel Sat, 07 Jul 2018 20:32:30 +0000 Hi Marco. Thanks for the Comment. Yes not having bread or cookies around to eat is a good thing (unless it’s 100% wholewheat bread). But then again the saturated fat isn’t that good either. However, there are a lot of conflicting research. Thus I think it is a good idea to delve further into the saturated fat controversy. Thanks for suggesting that post topic.

I do think meat was leaner in the paleo days. For example, I don’t know if you ever ate wild game meat like Kudu, Eland, Wildebeest, Ostrich, etc. There is almost zero fat on the meat. But modern meats like beef from cows or lamb meat, are deliberately bred in such a way that their meat is bulky and full of fats, to maximize profits. These are not the same animals that use to roam the earth in the paleolithic age. I’d recommend seeking out lean meats, free-range meats, where the animals are not fed tons of soya grains. You’ll get a better quality meat. Similarly with e.g. picking wild caught salmon instead of factory farmed. It is proven that wild-caught is a better quality meat and this is what our ancestors ate. Not the fatty factory farmed meat we are provided with nowadays. So although your body may have adapted to be able to digest chicken farmed in a small one-foot cubicle, doesn’t mean its good for you.

By: Marco Wed, 04 Jul 2018 14:27:36 +0000 One thing that keeps me from going Paleo is that it is still higher in saturated fat relative to many other diet options. Cavemen would not have had any bread or cookies available to eat but they would have been eating plenty of animal meat which means a lot more saturated fat. Of course you could try to substitute some of that saturated fat for monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, but then is it really still Paleo? Our cavemen ancestors surely would not have been tearing off the animal fat and replacing it with avocados, right? Which brings me to my question. Can something that our bodies adapted to eat a lot of really be bad for us? A quick Google search for “is saturated fat bad” brings up many articles claiming that saturated fat is not actually that bad and others saying that it is. I would love if you could write an article which delves deeper into the saturated fat controversy.
